
Rapid Deploy AI

- The Rabbit -

We're not about reinventing the wheel - it's all
about finding the most efficient way to contribute towards
your business growth

A dynamic launch configuration grounded in a proven
baseline from the outset. An inteligent approach to
reducing costs and time
while mantaining uncompromised

Over the years, we have succesfully implemented various intranets, collaboration workspaces,
document management systems,
and other components of Enterprise Content Managment (ECM)

Our integrated solution, featured in our projects, significantly reduces time and provides our clients
with substantial benefits and robust information architecture.


How It Works

Solid Information Architecture.

A fully functional intranet, designed for immediate use.

Security and permissions based on best practices.

Global and local Navigation.

Enterprise Search Hub

Blink View Directory, a dynamic organization chart


Key Features

Zero code involved

It is designed to work for any organization needs, industry

Used for Intranets, Document Management System, or Collaboration Workspaces

Templates available based on the industry type